Port Moresby Put on Alert for HIV-AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease
pada tanggal
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
Angesula Jogamup, the manager of the National AIDS Council Secretariat in the Southern region, said the chances of contracting HIV-AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases were expected to increase if people failed to use condoms.
The Health Department and the council secretariat set up booths in Games venues manned by workers who were distributing condoms and information on health risks. Jogamup said more than 2000 condoms had been distributed since last Friday.
In addition, pamphlets regarding HIV, Tuberculosis, filarisis, malaria and gender-based violence are also being given out.
Each condom pack has nine for males and four for females plus four lubricants, and information on how to use them.
Jogamup said the Australian Federal Police and prominent citizens had commended the National AIDS Council Secretariat for carrying out the awareness and distributing the condoms. The exercise will continue until the end of the Games on July 18.
“The booths are being set up at the Taurama Aquatic Centre, Sir John Guise Stadium and the Bisini soccer ground,” Jogamup said.
She said it was to raise awareness on the use of condoms, the risks of contracting HIV, TB and malaria, and how to address them. NACS officer Doreen Nadile said the team demonstrated the use of female and male condoms to people.
“So far the responses are really good. We gave boxes packed with 25 condoms (20 for males and five for females) to the NCD health services for distribution,” Nadile said. [TheNational]