North Maluku Prepare 33 Tourism Event in 2018
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Thursday, March 15, 2018
JAKARTA, LELEMUKU.COM - North Maluku Provinces prepare 33 tourism events, three of which are included in the National Top 100 Calendar of Events (CoE) 2018 launched by Tourism Minister Arief Yahya at Gedung Sapta Pesona, Ministry of Tourism Jakarta, Tuesday (13 / 3)
All three consist of the Tidore Festival in Tidore Islands Town on March 23-April 12, 2018, Jailolo Gulf Festival in West Halmahera District on 3-5 May 2018 and Kora-Kora Festival in Ternate City on 1-3 December 2018.
North Maluku Governor Task Force H. Muhammad Natsir Thaib affirmed the progress of North Maluku tourism has been felt with the establishment of Morotai Island as one of 10 priority destinations to be made "Bali Baru" which accelerated development.
"Tourism in North Maluku is growing with the support of attractions, elements of amenitas and elements of accessibility are getting better," said Natsir Thaib.
In addition North Maluku Province wants to develop itself into a world-class marine tourism destination, considering the potential of marine tourism and geographic location is very supportive to realize the keingingan it.
"Among the islands in North Maluku is very suitable to be developed as marine tourism. Currently in Pulau Jailolo has begun to be developed marine tourism by professional entrepreneurs, "said Natsir Thaib.
Ternate, Tidore, Bacan and Jailolo for a long time around the XIII century have been known to the world community as a source of spice world, and North Maluku has an advantage in historical tourism because there are many fortress relics of the Portuguese, Spayol, England, and the site of World War II relic from Japan and the United States.
The launch of CoE Maluku Province in 2018 is expected to increase the number of tourist arrivals targeted to reach 11,000 foreign tourists (tourists) and 350,000 movements of domestic tourists (wisnus), as well as supporting the national tourism target of 2018 as many as 17 million foreign tourists and 270 million domestic tourists. (Albert Batlayeri)