Papuan Separatist Group Claims Responsible for Attacking the Army Post in Maybrat
pada tanggal
Thursday, September 02, 2021
MANOKWARI, LELEMUKU.COM - The separatist group of the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) of the Free Papua Organization (OPM) claimed responsibility for the murder of four Indonesian soldiers at the Army Post (Posramil) in Kiss Village, South Aifat District, Maybrat Regency, West Papua Province on Thursday (2/9), at 3:00 a.m.
TPNPB spokesman Sebby Sambom said this attack was carried out by Sorong Raya TNPB led by Denny Mos.
This action, he said, was an instruction from the TPNPB Leader, Goliath Tabuni who said he was ready to face a counter-attack from the Indonesian Army and Police forces.
Meanwhile the Commander of the Military Region Command (Pangdam) XVIII / Kasuari, Major General TNI I Nyoman Cantiasa, said that around 30 separatist groups were perpetrators of attacks, but they did not succeed in carrying out firearms from the post.
"The attack was intentionally done at night, in order to take advantage of the conditions around the location which was in a dark condition. At present the four soldiers who have fallen have been evacuated to the hospital in Maybrat, including those who survived the attack," he said on Thursday afternoon (2/9).
The former Kopassus commander continued to order the soldiers to pursue the separatist group.
As many as two platooners from Battalion Raider 762 / VYS and Kodim 1809 / Maybrat and the police are currently pursuing the separatist group.
Previously the attack on Koramil Post Kampung Kisor resulted in 4 fallen soldiers and 1 seriously injured.
The victims were Serda Amrius, Praka Dirham, Pratu Zul Ansari and the Lieutenant Chb Lieutenant Chb Dirman. Juliano's sertu was reportedly injured. While Ikbal Pratu that fled to the forest was found safe. (Noci)