Harmoko, Minister of Information of the Suharto Era Dies
pada tanggal
Monday, July 05, 2021
JAKARTA, LELEMUKU.COM - The Minister of Information under President Soeharto, Harmoko, passed away on Sunday, July 4, 2021, at the Jakarta Military Hospital.
Harmoko's son, Dimas Azisoko, confirmed this sad news.
"I beg to be forgiven for all his mistakes," said Dimas via text message.
He said his father had been sick for several years.
In May 2021, Harmoko's health condition continued to decline due to his old age.
Dimas said his father could no longer communicate.
Harmoko was born in Patianrowo, Nganjuk, East Java, February 7, 1939.
He is a politician from the Golkar Party who had served as Indonesia's Minister of Information during the New Order era.
Harmoko was also the Chair of the People's Representative Council (MPR) during the administration of President B.J Habibie.
He is known as Suharto's right-hand man. However, he was also the one who suggested Suharto resign from the presidency.
This was conveyed by Harmoko, who was then Speaker of the Parliament on 18 May 1998. (Budiarti Utami Putri| Tempo)