PeduliLindungi Application the Key to Access All PON Venues in Mimika
pada tanggal
Saturday, October 02, 2021
TIMIKA, LELEMUKU.COM - To support the success of the 20th National Games in Papua held amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mimika Regency Government urged the public to always comply with health protocol and utilize the PeduliLindungi application in all PON venues, including match venues.
Deputy Regent of Mimika Johannes Rettob stated that his party, with all related stakeholders and the 20th PON Papua Mimika Cluster Organizing Committee, have been implementing the use of the PeduliLindungi application in all places within the cluster, including sports venues. This measure was taken to track and trace visitor data around the venues as well as to detect the number of people with COVID-19.
Deputy Regent Johannes Rettob also added that his administration strongly supports the use of the application as it provides information on the COVID-19 level status or zones status around the venues.
According to him, his administration has performed the use trial of PeduliLindungi application in futsal matches. The result showed that the use of this application is relatively effective in preventing the potential transmission and the emergence of new COVID-19 clusters.
"It indicates that this application (PeduliLindungi) can predict safe zones and red zones so that we can be more aware. It also helps the organizers anticipate (potential transmission and new clusters based on data obtained from the PeduliLindungi application," said Deputy Regent Johannes Rettob during a press conference at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Media Center for Mimika Cluster on Thursday, 30 September.
He also added that the PeduliLindungi application is also used at Mozes Kilangin Airport for data collection of passengers arriving at and departing from the airport. Previously, poor internet connectivity hampered the use of this application. However, now, PT Telkom Indonesia managed to resolve the issue.
Meanwhile, Abraham Kateyauw, the Head of the Mimika Communications and Informatics Office, explained that efforts and measures related to the COVID-19 handling in organizing the Papua PON had been carried out since 2021 when the pandemic had just started.
One of which was through massive outreach and dissemination to the community utilizing the Sub-District Internet Service Center Car (MPLIK).
"Almost every week we went to the community to educate and inform the public about the very dangerous effect of COVID-19 so that they understand and eventually know what to do to avoid the transmission of this virus.” (infopublik)