freeport indonesia headlines jakarta politics Addressing the Freeport Indonesia Case Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh pada tanggal Saturday, March 25, 2017 JAKARTA - It's been about 45 years of mining activities by PT Freeport Indonesia exploration in the Motherland. Again, a wide variety o...
freeport indonesia headlines jakarta mimika regency papua province timika Local Workers in Freeport Reached 32.000 People Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh pada tanggal Tuesday, March 14, 2017 JAKARTA - Freeport Solidarity Movement (GSPF) recorded the moment PT Freeport Indonesia to absorb as much as 32 608 local workers, who have...
business economy freeport indonesia headlines jayapura city lukas enembe Lukas Enembe Criticize Jakarta for the Exploiting Papuan Wealth Decisions Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Zapapua pada tanggal Saturday, July 04, 2015 JAYAPURA CITY - Papua Governor Lukas Enembe urged the central government in Jakarta to stop exploiting Papuan wealth and involve Papuans i...
blocked road business economy freeport indonesia mimika regency timika 7 Tribes Blocked Freeport's Road Acces Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Wednesday, April 29, 2015 TIMIKA - Freeport workers from seven Mimika tribes blocked road access to Ridge Camp, mile 72 in a protest demanding PT Freeport Indonesia...
freeport indonesia government jayapura city lukas enembe Papuan Goverment Seeking Smelter Site for Freeport Indonesia Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Friday, February 13, 2015 JAYAPURA CITY - Papua Governor Lukas Enembe and a team from the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and other relevant ministries will con...
freeport indonesia headlines jakarta Freeport asked to Build Smelter in Papua, not in Java Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Saturday, December 27, 2014 JAKARTA - The government has asked Freeport Indonesia to build a smelting facility in Papua, where the company’s giant copper and gold min...
community freeport indonesia headlines mimika regency social tembagapura timika Seven Papuan Tribes on Tembagapura Blocking for a Special Demand Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Saturday, October 11, 2014 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - The Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng said he hoped Freeport Corporation or PTFI would meet the workers demands. The blockag...
freeport indonesia lukas enembe mimika regency timika Papua's Largest Sports Center to be Built in Timika Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Monday, September 02, 2013 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - Papua will soon have the biggest and most complete sports center in Timika, the capital of Mimika regency. Named the Mimik...