community headlines health health care HIV/AIDS nabire nabire regency nato gobay 3000 Papuan was Death due HIV/AIDS Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Saturday, November 22, 2014 NABIRE - Pastor Nato Gobay said HIV/AIDS has taken the lives of more than 2,000 or 3,000 Papuans since 1998. Now it is already spreading, ...
community HIV/AIDS nabire nabire regency An Educator’s Heroic Journey to Change Gender Relations in Papua Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Wednesday, October 09, 2013 NABIRE - Esteemed mythologist Joseph Campbell is famous for breaking down “The Hero’s Journey,” a template by which all heroes — from Herc...
accident boxing djoko suyanto nabire police sports Blame game starts in Nabire following deadly boxing riot Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Thursday, August 08, 2013 As the National Police revised downward the number of victims in the Sunday night stampede to 17 from 18, the blame game has started over wh...