alotau cricket oro province Team Oro Wins Islands Region Cricket Title Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Tuesday, September 10, 2013 POPONDETTA (ORO) - Team Oro has won the finals for the Islands Regional cricket tournament played in the Oro Province. Both the men and w...
asylum seekers australia gary juffa manam oro province popondetta Oro Governor Concerns over Refugee Convention Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Saturday, August 10, 2013 POPONDETTA (ORO) - Governor of Northern, Gary Juffa, is concerned that Papua New Guinea is assisting Australia, in by-passing the 1951 Unite...
gary juffa oro province sports Gary Juffa Behind Oro Sport Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh pada tanggal Friday, August 09, 2013 POPONDETTA (ORO) - Northern Governor Gary Juffa is serious about sports and infrastructure development in the province. In an email to The...
australia entertaiment kokoda oro province tourism travel Kokoda : A Track Trough War History of Three Country Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Thursday, August 08, 2013 KOKODA (ORO) - Each year almost 17, 000 people visit the Kokoda track in order to experience a glimpse of the war history of Australia, Papu...