freeport indonesia headlines jakarta mimika regency papua province timika Local Workers in Freeport Reached 32.000 People Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh pada tanggal Tuesday, March 14, 2017 JAKARTA - Freeport Solidarity Movement (GSPF) recorded the moment PT Freeport Indonesia to absorb as much as 32 608 local workers, who have...
cartenz entertaiment headlines mimika regency mount cartensz timika tourism Papua Beauty Promotion from the summit of Cartensz Pyramid Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Zapapua pada tanggal Tuesday, August 11, 2015 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - Somatua Foundation wants to show the world that Papua safely through tourism. The Foundation chairman, Somatua Maximus T...
headlines mimika regency seaport timika valkyn clive dmello Poumako Area Has Potential to become International Seaport Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Saturday, May 23, 2015 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - Poumako area in Mimika Regency can be developed as an international seaport similar to the Port of Kakinada and Bombay i...
lukas enembe mimika regency timika Lukas Enembe Reject Two Candidates of New Autonomous Region Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Thursday, May 21, 2015 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - Governor of Papua, Luke Enembe not provide support to form two new autonomous regions in Mimika Regency, the The West Mimi...
blocked road business economy freeport indonesia mimika regency timika 7 Tribes Blocked Freeport's Road Acces Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Wednesday, April 29, 2015 TIMIKA - Freeport workers from seven Mimika tribes blocked road access to Ridge Camp, mile 72 in a protest demanding PT Freeport Indonesia...
community freeport indonesia headlines mimika regency social tembagapura timika Seven Papuan Tribes on Tembagapura Blocking for a Special Demand Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Saturday, October 11, 2014 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - The Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng said he hoped Freeport Corporation or PTFI would meet the workers demands. The blockag...
brawl community headlines mimika regency timika Brawl Between Mollucas Communities Leaves One dead, Injures 28 in Timika Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Friday, February 14, 2014 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - A brawl between two Mollucas communities, which ran from Sunday until Tuesday, in Timika Regency, ended with one dead an...
agustinus roya general elections commissions koprakopa mimika regency nawaripi regional timika Mimika Regency's Election Rife with Irregularities Artikel diedit dan dipublikasikan oleh Webmaster pada tanggal Monday, October 14, 2013 TIMIKA (MIMIKA) - Mimika regency's election has been marred with irregularities, as at some polling stations residents without ID card...